This Week's Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed473, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Moles...
  2. You know if you grow it's actually fun  what did I just say? It's fun being a mid/big in wars. No statless Alts most are active. I've done 5 indi wars and had no more than 2 inactives per war. They take more skill than hmm I want 4lb and 7sh
  3. Support or no support?
  4. You and the rest of the sh players out there are the reason why we need indi wars. Because so many clans stack rosters and that in essence makes anyone not lb or sh useless.
  5. Lol you won't be getting your ee lvl by being inactive....or r u a mole?
  6. I'm not a mole I was inactive cuz of a family matter
  7. So devs change schedule just because u are 1 lvl away from ee lvl 5 ?