The Legend of Zaln Nightlight Princess

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Jan 27, 2011.

  1. -Mystique- is GlooMi, she changed her name.
  2. Wow. I'm a little disturbed... Who's Zaln?
  3. Hehehe! Are you surprised your cousin wrote this? I WAS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THAT STORY. I say we keep this alive in remembrance of GlooMi.
  4. Somehow I'm not 
  5. ;) that's great. You know your cousin well. TELL HER I LOVE HER AND I MISS HER!!! And I give her five hugs! GLOOMI COME BACK!!! YOU CAN BLAME IT ALLLLL OOOONN MEEEEEEE!!!!