The Legend of Zaln Nightlight Princess

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Jan 27, 2011.

  1. That's a bit harsh now. But do avoid trying to be arrogant in an arrogant crowd. We'd do anything to kick you off your high horse.

  2. sorry if I insulted anyone didn't mean it sorry
  3. And you realize we were trying to figure out who GlooMi substituted for Link right?
  4. Of course he doesn't.
  5. link=Christmas elf
  6. couse he wears a green tunic and @Ipitydahooka sorry I couldn't tell u were kidding couse there's no tone of visor only text
  7. *voice not viser
  8. We know that too. We meant which KaWian.
  9. oh looks like I'm getting everything wrong
  10. Lol this got 4 pages while I was gone?
  11. You're Midna lol.
  12. Everyone compose yourselves!

    Quickly runs to the BT or the RR (Bathroom or RestRoom either one) and starts to laugh hysterically!
  13. Bump in memory of GlooMi!;)
  14. *cries for GlooMi* And how did -Mystique- steal the first post?