Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. I bought my fourth last HF moments before they gave out the community award. That's what I call cutting it close lol
  2. I was 74 lands for months now used my spyglass on my 1T land today.
  3. Yet again BC players get screwed. No wonder so many older players leaving the game. We were screwed on the building tokens now we get screwed again.
  4. Support to this. Keep the time exploration date, but let me choose when to use the glass.
  5. Bro I'll take the freebies.
    My fault I grow faster than land releases.
    Price of Success damn lol GL
  6. FROG
    Support to this. Keep the time exploration date, but let me choose when to use the glass.[/quote]

    Well Build Tokens r not Spyglasses.
    Spyglasses everyone only use for land.
    Tokens only used for Buildings.
    Expect future Build Token promos for UG

    At least the Ally Market has frozen
    Bet on a Valentine Promo very soon.
    Still time to strategize Spyglass usage
  7. Hawk you are probably right even though I wish you wasn't. These promos need to stop for a little while, but the devs have completely changed the dynamic of this game. As for these spyglasses someone mentioned earlier it was fair since it let others catch up. Honestly I'm playing at my own pace like I always have, it's not my fault others are behind I am not a huge spender either I occasionally buy seals when I can. These spyglasses should be left in our inventory for when we want to use them. Who cares if we save them for the last few expensive lands the hf people who only have a few lands left will do the same thing. By the time I even unlock all my lands the devs will release a new level of the buildings, which will be even more expensive. And to the people who say when you bc then game is over obviously doesn't know the game very well. There's getting war equip to building bfa to pvp all that, building isn't my personal own goal, but I'll have to keep up to be competitive in war. Devs need to chill on events and focus on other aspects of the game for awhile whether it being wars again to promoting pvp, or even fixing clan structures by adding new features.
  8. Damn why did I restart the game lol sucks
  10. Just like the lady in the last post lol