I knew it thread after thread crying they cant save their spyglasses for the 1t land. Lol Just dont restart game till feb 3 that should do it..... oppsy
Dude, this thread was out way before this spyglass was received and was debating about how to best prepare...not whining :lol:
I have bought lands to within 3 HF.. (My wisp count won't be high for 2 spy glasses) I am gonna not use this glass that I just got yet.. It's available till feb 2nd anyways ).. I'll wait and see how abyss comes out.. My guess is abyss first lands will be relatively cheap (not 1T!)
I blew mine on my 23rd HL because regardless of how much the new lands cost I won't have access to them unless I blow 3 more spyglasses on HF :lol:
Luckily i had left only last two hf lands since long time ago. So I can get them for free. 1.85T worth lands for free... Really not a bad promo.
Ok folks.. You still need to strategize!! Here's the deal as of right now.. Depending on your scenario, it may be advantageous to use the spyglass u just got.. now.. Let me explain... Say the 2 more you are still to get at 21st expires on Feb 2nd And say you have 4 HF to explore.. You may want to use spyglass now (leaving u with 3 HF to explore).. Pound for gold to buy the 23rd land.. Then use the other 2 spy glasses for 24th and 25th land.. Know what I mean?... Rather than not using the spyglass right now
I meant what to do with the spyglass that just got dropped (restart app to get it.. If you haven't, buy lands before you restart)
Where is kaw community when you needed him/her? Kaw_Community... Please don't make me post the sempai gif! Please answer