Ok.. Let's do two scenarios.. Kinda like the tortoise and the hare.. Jan 17: Player A and B both have 4 HF to explore.. All other lands have been explored.. Player A buys 22nd land before Jan 21st Player B waits Jan 21st comes.. Discuss!!!
all the spyglasses should be awarded at the same time as the release of the new lands on the 21st. i never actually read those "popups", i just sort of skim them and check the forums. so i don't recall if they mentioned it.
But I mean, will it be via a popup message at startup that you'd need to reload KaW to acquire if you already had it up
My guess is you will get it on a set time (not related to when you log on).. I think that's ur question Shol.. You better not be trolling!!!! I know zaft
i would hope they award it without a login required, or else that would be a MAJOR exploit. simply stay logged in until you unlock a bunch of new lands, restart for the spyglasses, and then you would get much more expensive lands than anyone else did.
yeah i saw what you were implying. but most of the event rewards have been given without a need for a restart. i don't think this will be any different.
Event rewards, yes. But two of the spyglasses will be global rewards, and they've done popups for those, so I wonder what they'll do
You know there is a huge assumption that the new lands will start off cheaper when there is no consistent pattern to prove this... When HL were released the first land cost as much as the last LL When HF were released the first few lands were significantly cheaper However if the devs are looking to sink a lot of the liquid gold in KAW and push the KAWconomy down for a little while at least then they may follow the HL release strategy and start the new lands at the last HF cost (1T) Also there is nothing to stop them following the inconsistent pattern of land release and making the first land more expensive than the last HF. This tier of lands is going to push the top tier accounts into a zone of their own so why not make it extremely difficult to do that final completion (Yes we all know those with big enough wallets will do it no matter what)
yes. it is entirely possible that the first few lands will start at 1 tril and go up. but that doesn't really change anything. if you leave the last 3 lands unexplored in order to use the spy glasses on them, AND the new lands are more expensive; then you can simply explore the new lands instead of the hoarfrost lands. best way to hedge your bets is still to leave the top 3 hoarfrost unexplored.
lol yeah. point is to have the 3 highest lands that the individual can manage on standby for the spyglasses.
hmm. someone just mentioned something on the announcement thread that i hadn't accounted for. the global spyglass reward may come out BEFORE the rest. meaning you only have a few hours before you are going to be forced to use the first spy glass.
AND that spyglass seems likely to be handed out as a pop-up, like the other globals. ...so don't log out if you want to have a little extra time to buy another land before using the spyglass. (just remember not to wait too long. you won't get the reward after 24hrs)