I dont think it should always tell how much gold someone has on every scout. But maybe if it tells you that info on a percentage wise. Maybe 5% chance every scout
Scouts are often underrated and overlooked. It shows the success % of atking an opponent and is invaluable info for me b4 I decide which opponent I shd spent my valuable troops on. ESP so when u are a hansel looking for meat from a list of hitters. Hansel with full atk spells and eb pots hav pretty gd chances of sitting on hitters on low troop. If scouting shows 1-3% opponent is on hi or full troop so move on. When u sweeping opponent roster sitting on a range of hitters, scouting helps to look out for opponent who jus crystaled or regen considerably without u realizing it. Hitters steal crap anyway so I only ass or scout with my spy troops. Unless in a damn turtle war my hitter build makes the exception of stealing
No support. Agree with bloodlust. Scouts are a standard part of normal attack runs (or determining not to do one) in war. Also I don't want my anti-strip strat to be ruined by my money being public knowledge.
Nah whats the point? Whats the advantages/disadvantages? I dont see many advantages, seems quite pointless :S ~Clumsy~
I'm cool with it telling you wether it's a "small" "medium" or "large" reward, like the battle list does. That'd be really helpful when determining who to hit when you're not on the BL. The only people I could see not liking this are people who don't like hitting and being hit: eg, noobs. (while I'm kinda a permanoob, I like to think I'm not that bad.)
Scouts is serving its purpose well. No point screwing it. I dun even need to know wat bldgs opponent hav. Wat %? opponent hi or low trp (by tallying % to both stats)? Hit, assa or skip? that's all I need to know. oh scout and clear those remaining 20% spy troop on a spy builds after they dtw to assa. Gj my scouts