I think spy builds have it easy as it is to let them know how much gold you have out swings the balance further.
It's been pointed out numerous times that there's no real tactical advantage to this, yet everyone just "supports" with no reason why. Aside from seeing how much is left after a strip it's pointless.
It'd be better when you scouted if you could see what colour underwear they're wearing, and before you start scout bombing, I always go commando
Support for the ability to see how much damage I do. I'll just scout down the BL and teach those with massive coinage out a lesson in banking
I would say some kind if color coded alert: Yellow - $0 - $999,999,999 Blue - 1 bill - $ 19,999,999,999 bill Orange - $20 bill - 99,999,999,999 bill Red - $100 bill and up Not necessarily using these amount and colors but you get the idea.
No support, it would make stripping to easy and take away the ability of the stripee to counter or tie up the spies by dropping pots. Might as well let scouts tell their regen times too so less effort is needed
Yea no support. U lose the ability to bank and let ur enemies waste crystals on u thinking you are still stripped. I strip someone and scout and it says 600b out. If they were good enough to buy allies then I'd scout again and know they banked it. Bette idea. Just reckon everyone has a large amount out and hit them to find outseems like a no brainer
I would like to see the placement of buildings in the kingdom. Then you know the level of OCD of your target.