Rate the Name!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -TheLastTrojan_, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. 10/10 for good taste.

    And #DarkTillDawn
  2. 1/10 i hate x's in names.
  3. 0/10 stephen colbert taught me to hate/fear bears.
  4. 5/10

    You waste too many words.
  5. 3/10 u post too many threads
  6. 2/10 i hate chocolate
  7. 7/10! Still, solitude can mean being lonely for the right purpose!

    As for me...I don't know much about this thread, so as a first-time replier in this thread I'll gladly accept the next rate given!
  8. Because i like the name sean 420/69
  9. -10/10 fail troll is fail
  10. 9.7/10
    Rikimaru ultimate is blink strike and invisibility is annoying
  11. A troll and a guy?!!?!?!?!

  12. 3/10

    You probably rummage through trash and itch your ass on logs.
  13. 2/10 idk it's just meh
  14. I hate kangaroos
    I hate penguins
    Kangaguins? Just no
  15. You can't kill blood, atleast I think you can't...

    8 for how cool it sounds though.
  16. -10/10

    An incompetent troll.
  17. 7/10 too many x's
  18. 2/10

    All I have to say is, "What?"