Fan Fiction Hitlist

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *NecroHyphen (01), Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Aww, c'mon. Don't be that way n
  2. Yeah don't be that way this kids got potentional to be the new fanfic scourge
  3. Goddess needs to be added to the list w/ a warning strike.
    This is not a test thread
  4. Makadios hjoin the fweep.
  5. I cant update this thread -.- damn iPod
  6. ... there's already one in fanfic guardian hq
  7. Ooh hq u say man whats next an automatic coffee maker? U guys have gone power crazy it's not to help fan fix it's to help meglomaniacs like yourself VIVA REVOLUTION
  8. Power crazy? When your the one on your own in a non-existant rebellion...
    Two words EPIC FAIL
  9. Ceazy
  10. Screw this, Fan fic was the only thing keeping me actually playing this game...


  11. Goodbye. ^_^