Fan Fiction Hitlist

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *NecroHyphen (01), Mar 13, 2011.

  1. I bet silver won't work
  2. hope gold works
  3. maybe? Doubt rainbow works
  4. Even though I vowed not to do this STRIKE!!!!!!!! I hope your happy
  5. Hahah white works but doesn't show up
  7. So if I mess with someone's story, I get farmed? Nice.
  8. Not farmed, warned, then if u commit another offence u will be farmed once or twice, do it again and you'll be hit permantly
  9. Nice, what story should I mess with?
  10. That's retarded
  11. Why are you posting omega?  Why?
  12. I'm not getting farmed yet? C'mon, I'm waiting. I've messed with three threads already.
  13. Why did you do it on purpose? We were removed off of active topics. Why bother us?
  14. Makaidos I Too enjoy doing that but now I'm threatened with a forum ban and a permanent silence
  15. I want a free farming basically. I'm bored.
  16. Go farm an OSF then. Just leave us alone.