 How to get your post count higher without spamming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Depoon, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Yeah the whole point is discouraging posting in a forum thinking "I just got one post more" and encouraging "I'm putting my opinion out in the forums"
  2. Someone said they dislike those who post on every thread, yet your quote:
    is directly in line with exactly that, those who post on every thread to get their opinion out every given oppurtunity.
  3. There's a line between posting on every thread and putting your opinion.
  4. A line I've yet to find then I suppose. Unless of course you're referring to the failtrolls and people who post "cool story bro" and "no, just no" etc.
  5. Yeah if your posting intelligent stuff I don't care if you post on 10 threads
  6. Guess I should've specified that in the beggining.
  7. Who's to say that the players posting unintelligent things on all threads care what you think of them or not?
  8. That's more or less what I was getting at, nice job :)
  9. Well I'm pretty sure some of the people doing that think it makes them popular this helps them realize it's not.
  10. Well I don't mind if they post on every thread if they have a post that is worth something. Some people will post something that is on-topic and makes sense but it will be 2 lines long, I don't mind that but when they're posting a 20 word answer on every thread it's just irritating to me (like I said I use to do exactly that). I think if you make a lot of posts you should be putting effort into it, but if you come on to forums for 3 minutes I don't care if you have short answers. Maybe I'm just picky.

    Basically if you're going to be posting a lot on many threads I think you should be putting more work into it.

  11. That's why idc about forum leaderboard, so many people that aren't known but they have 3 times as many posts as me. I try clicking on threads that I feel will have discussion or give feedback. Not the whole "FIRST!!" or "GTHO YOU STUPID NOOB!"..
  12. Why make a thread on this topic? And I know your experienced. It's kinda useless and I just skipped the thing
  13. Yeah I'm pretty sure I covered that last page. **** my unlinked iPod.
  14. It's okay Depoon, we forgive you.
  15. I'm sure you'd be suprised to know, that not everyone who plays this game is a therapist. They don't know how the mind works nor the person whom it belongs to. People do different things for different reasons and few know what those reasons are. Just because you think someone is doing something for a reason, doesn't mean it's true, especially if you're generalizing common actions. They are most likely just doing things the way they've always done them, out of a like for common ground or just general immaturity, whichever the reason, you aren't on terms to judge them or their actions. Let them do as they do and let them think of it whatever they wish, because you will know the truth and I'm sure those who agree will too.
    There's your ghoomba psychologist lesson of the day ;D
  16. I'm gonna pretend I understood half of that.
  17. I'm not saying I'm right. I'm saying it's what I think. Everyone can have their opinion, so I can say what I think...
  18. K just read it. I thought it was useless but realize that it's not what I thought it was. Sorry 
  19. I was gonna crap all over this thread, but when I clicked on it I found it was pretty accurate and funny. Nice job. :)
  20. Ghoomba, unless you post a pic of your degree I'll throw you in with the rest of the Internet "doctors"...

    And don't forget the people who waste a single post to go off topic and correct someones grammar.. If you're gonna be a GNazi, at least post something on topic under or above it in the same post..