USA vs. UK All-star war?!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by ShadowWARRI0R, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. USA vs rest of world and we kick some Yankee ass lol wouldn't even b close
  2. We'lll win hahah
  3. If it wass rest of the world
    we would have majesty,imaki,teja nuff said
  4. And me, one of the only active scots
  5. Whoo hoo Scotland !!!!!!
  6. USA over exhagerate and think they are awesome but no.. I'm a Brit and very proud about it. :)
  7. Maybe USA vs the rest of kaw lcbc kingdoms or close to.
  8. I  the Irish accent, to be sure 
  9. Ps ima Brit but tbh I'd rather b part of northern America than Europe as a continent
  10. Y does it have to be USA vs uk y can't it be north hemisphere vs south hemisphere?
  11. North Would Win. Haha this will be like the Civil War in America. south has great leaders, yet the north wins because of it's strength,diligense, and tactics! GOOD LUCK TO THE ENEMY!!! 
  12. Honestly, Canada could join us, theyre pretty close to us lol
  13. Ya what about Canada eh? We can send in our moose to fight!
  14. Go fly kite....

    EAST VS WEST. Is a better fight....
  15. Who else is reading the post from te players from England in a British accent? Because I know I am and it's awesome!
  16. Oh and also with our moose we can send the 65 new f-35 fighter jets or whatever we bought to drop beavers on our targets
  17. I am from Scotland so I don't like to be recognised as British
  18. Wrong forum...


    USA all the way!
  19. I don't want to be apart of Britain
  20. Lol k inath, whenever I read a post from someone who's from Scotland I say it with a scotish accent