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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    I hope no one from HS plays KaW.
  2. How did you know that 
  3. What is HS and is that a wig and I can't tell which gender you are.
  4. Lucy,
    HS = High school 15 - 19 years old

    It must be male, I can smell it.
  5. High school.
  6. I figured fluffes would work as a good substitute as stupid xD

    And no. The term "with" is not used as a dating thing.

  7. It's blindingly white. My eyes... they burn.
  8. Sorry, not you Lovely.
  9. It's ok. I understood xD
  10. Aah. That makes sense. I don't care if people know that I play KaW.

    GOSH YOU ARE SO CUTE. Can I keep you?
  11. I was referring to Brokencyde. :lol:
  12. Idk what gender am I. How do you find out?

  13. Lol if people did see me on KaW from my school, they wouldn't say anything, so in reality it isn't a big deal.
  14. Me fishing.
  15. I've been asked that many times at High School (HS) yet I am still looking for an answer.
  16. It's nice to see more people participating. :)
  17. Murk!
    I missed you!!

    You gotta write "I missed you too Deni :3" on your forehead!
  18. Another one?:0
  19. Oh, I thought you were doing the laundry. Glad you pointed that out.

    Fondle your chest area.