Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. @chees pg 136 because its my sig srry

    @clumy cool bro
  2. Sucks though, tried to dye my fringe blue friday night and it washed out the next morning :cry:

  3. Bleach it the hair you want to dye first.

    I never smile in pictures. My face just ends up looking weird.
  4. Yeah i know my hair's way too dark atm
  5. I bet that's not true.
  6. MissMelon what are you? 0.0
  7. But then you'll have a bleached fringe...
  8. Bleech then blue it :D
  9. It got another 40 pages last night? What the he
  10. Seeing as every1 is posting.. This is me. MDK-Assasin
    Jus snapped a few quick ones.Plz Dont troll






  11. Damn sexy as usual babe x
  12. He looks a little like my 'crush'. How awkward.
  13. Lol strickly try growing
  14. Lmao lavish, got him there.
  15. 142 pages in 1 day. o_O
  16. You should've seen the old one.
  17. I'm already hitting ebs, whats he doing to help himself out?
  18. So many wanna be scene kids