Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. I wonder how many people who posted in the first year of this thread are still around..
  2. I think I still am but I'm not sure o.o
  3. Sup.
  4. Oh now I see the third gender
  5. Lol this thread still goin.
  6. yoooo
  7. yoooo as well
  8. Oh
    oh the memories
  9. Stunning necrobump. Always loved this thread
  10. is there any way to even post pics anymore?
  11. Same as always. (IMG)url.jpg(/IMG) but with [] instead of ()

  12. God, the things that happened on this thread. I almost credit this thread with my relationship with Wordwaster. *almost*
  13. Hey! What happened to my photo?!?[​IMG]

  14. I’d post a selfie if forums wasn’t so dead!
  15. chicken

    Attached Files:

    Thrawn likes this.
  16. Ew. Why did it upload in that format.
  17. Lmao the formatting discourages me even more
  18. [​IMG]
    -LovelyDenial and Thrawn like this.
  19. To post pics use...


    "BBCode full linked"
  20. The formatting makes me wanna vomit. When I came back to KaW, I wanted to make like, an AMAZING thread to kind debut. Make it shiny and interesting. Like. MGTD level of awesome. Then I seen it had fallen apart and I was so sad.