Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Ohokay >^>
  2. You shouldnt post any on here 
  3. [​IMG]
    I saved the world that day
  4.  dont be jealous i know im hot
  5. Really!! Again 
  6. Destroyer,

    Your photo is exactly what I was expecting you to look like :lol:

  7. Same to you, paleissist, do you ever leave your mom's basement?
  8. Considering my photo is outside, yeah man, I do.

  9. I'm not that pale. (Shh, let me be happy next to my fire)
  10. AJ you need to tone up your left wrist a little bit. It's looking smaller than the right one.
  11. That's my watch wearing wrist. Any bigger and the new apple watch won't fit on me. :(
  12. ahh I see, well keep up the good work

    You got some more bulking to do
  13. Can't believe this thread is still going... Lol

    Updated :)
  14. I'm not normally attracted to guys but now just might be... hmmm