Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Ahh yeah I saw it already..Did you see mine pg 1093
  2. @Codysteez I like those little cat things in the bottom right corner o:
  3. :shock: Wow

    That's a good wow


  4. check this out


  5. That's........creepy?
  6. Holy crap batman! That photo is very old  I havent had that phone for quite some time!

  7. That hair tho 
  9. Ty wordwaster. My pic is of me and SHA-Mushrambo-DOW
  10. I must say you both make a great team. ️
  11. Oh my xD I take it either you or somebody in your house really likes cats?
  12. [​IMG]

    My friend and I went to see the new hobbit movie after I got my hair dyed today!!!!!
  13. Was it good?
  14. We saw it in 3D and the graphics were great! I read the book and I guess for the most part it followed it... But I enjoyed it
  15. I say that the new Hobbit movie is pretty cool. Best when you get to go to a marathon with all three of the movies :3
  16. Oh cool, I'll give it a watch then, thank you

  17. Exactly! If you have a whole Tolkien marathon then you better set two days aside or one full one  especially if you watch the extended versions.... About 3-4 hours each
  18. I went to a marathon when the first Hobbit movie came out. Before it premiered at midnight, the extended versions of the Lord of The Rings trilogy played. It was a long day, but everyone was in a great mood at the end of it c: