Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. I give up.. It always says the dimension is not possible to determine
  2. You need to resize the photos to below 600x600
  3. You can get a 3rd party app to fix that
  4. So Jester Darling when are we announcing our wedding date to the public?
  5. Jester I love your nails perfect shade of white.
  6. All I see are youngins on this thread....where are all the 30-something's? 
  7. I'm in that range. To old to know how to work electronics and post pictures
  8. Same....I reject all this newfangled technalergy
  9. :lol: thanks for the laugh
  10. Not 30, more like 20.
  11. What can I say Oli, I'm a regular joker over here. With my walking stick and all.
  12. Who you calling a youngin?!?!?
  13. i guess we are in the same boat conan... lol i can't figure out for the life of me how the hell to post pics in forums on this damn android phone...
  14. I think it could be for the best. Not sure anyone wants to know what tuff nutz looks like. Probably just a couple wrecking balls dangling together
  15. Conan.... shhh dangnabit... it was gonna be a surprise...
  16. I mean...I am calling you a youngin :D
  17. Oh and whaddup nutz brah...long time...AOTE 
  18. What does this make me?
  19. [​IMG]

    Showing another pic of myself