He didn't say anything too me, but what he said to others is disgusting. I hate keyboard warriors like him
in all seriousness though.... For everyone wondering yes I AM a girl. special kaw picture for all you strawb3rry lovers
I love you boys Most act like you've never seen boobs before. That's the difference between boys and men.
But hey when you're blessed with something nice flaunt it, and don't let anyone tell you how to live. I want to show my boobs I can, because at the end of the day I'm still loyal to my man and you guys are trolling forums
Haxor. Considering you posted 2 pictures of two different people it is impossible to believe that, that is you. Quit trying to troll and be gone.
There are children on this app. We could be children. Remember the age rating? 9 and upwards? Ya. We could be 9 year olds that are reacting in similar ways to that of when the cavemen invented the wheel, except when the boy sees the boob.