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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Saying a guy needs proactive is far from being illegal or even harmful for that matter. Stick to being insecure mate cause ima come across your pic and give you my honest opinion.
  2. I want to give you my honest opinion, Swagga.
  3. After seeing your pic aj. I don't think you're even allowed to give anyone a honest opinion LOL
  4. How dare you insult AJ, and obviously I'm far from Bruno mars, hes a good looking dude. I bet swagga is a fat ass who sits at home watching my little pony.
  5. Proactive

    A word dumb poeple use to sound smart.
    "Whats your opinion on the matter, Bob?"
    "Oh, well I'm proactive."

    That just for you swag
  6. Swagga, your profiling. That's considered discriminatory. Forum ban please :)
  7. ^ this guy doesn't know what proactive is
  8. Wolfie my point proven LOL.
    Google it mate proactive product is what you need. You've obviously never heard of it
  9. Iron, swagga, proactive is a word with a definition. Not a Beauty product.
  10. It has a few meanings Iron. Dont be disrespectful.

    In the term he was using, he meant a lotion/substance that you rub on your face to get rid of acne called ProActive
  11. Easy to talk about someone when you haven't done what the thread has said. :)
  12. Exactly aj. But iron and swagga are to scared to show their faces like everyone else has.
  13. I am bit afraid lmao. As I know for a fact now I'm better looking then almost all of you
  14. I just have no clue how to upload pics to the forums
  15. If your as "good looking" as you say you are, you would post a pic as a form of pride. But, you haven't. So we all know your lying.
  16. [​IMG]


    I'm sexy I know
  17. That's from the wax museum in LA.
  18. Swag probly is just an average Joe who thinks hes cool :roll: