Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Wow you guys both look like such losers, hipster skinny fag and emo. LMAO you guys must get so bullied in your middle schools
  2. Im pretty sure they didnt lol
  3. I think eric was bullied as a child
  4. I do too xD he is a keyboard warrior obviously :3 soooo cute
  5. Lol I bullied kids that looked just like them since pre school and even when I went off to play college ball.
  6. And the failure comes to post **** talk but hasn't posted a pic of himself. typical :lol:
  7. I'm over 40 little boy, I would rather not get arrested for posting my pictures where there are 12 year olds like you and Hand of God
  8. Youre proud of that erik xD
  9. And hes 40 acting so childish! LOOOL
  10. Or you're just so ugly you'll make everyone leave forums :( get arrested? IDIOT ALERT
  11. I'm proud that I'm 40? Not really it happens to everyone you'll be 40 too someday and still getting bullied and humiliated by my then-70 year old ass.
  12. You're just a snot nosed little loser devil, be careful or I'll have to get my son to beat you up.
  13. His threating us hellpppppppp
  14. Be your own buly dont bring your son ;)
  15. Keep the thread on topic guys
  16. should I bring my grandpa for your old ass?
  17. I'm a football coach, I could probably beat your grandpa, your dad, and you in a 1v3