Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. (because he's a stalker)
  2. hahaha I guess I belong to the No Fear/Bad Boys club when it comes to blasting myself on the interwebz :lol:
  3. @X-D
    Nooooooooo (/).(\)
  4. Don't kidnap me!!!!! 
  5. Whyever not?

    And why do you put loads of spaces after the !'s?
  6. You're safe, I only kidnap children under 6 weeks old.
  7. I tolerate 60 months, to 60 years
  8. @X-D
    I don't lol it just does it on its own
    See !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
  9. Btw I can't imagine being trapped in your mothers basement and never seeing the light of day again  u have to catch me first and I run track muhahaha
  10. i am interested in seeing those pics.
  11. I squat 450, and I have my own studio apartment so watch who you're talking to because you never know who you're talking to. My dad is one of the most powerful men in North America
  12. It didn't this time, what i mean is you may have wrote.

  13. I do atheletics too... im good on track, but limited on field
  14. Can't out run a bullet to the knee...
  15. Sports are a good vent I love them lol volleyball soccer track basketball softball
  16. @niomi
    That's true 
  17. or a spray can to the head (wish i had a gif of that moment in hot fuzz)
  18. @X-D don't get any ideas now