Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. How do you upload a photo? :)
  2. Refer to the guides forum. Called how to upload a photo to photobucket it's a step by step guide to posting photos in forums
  3. Page 774, near the bottom. I explained.
  4. A Fando and Coco onesy #selfie!

  5. Necro Bump. Lets see them beautiful mugs KaW-ites.
  6. Ok ok i'll get the ball rollin. This is an over ten year old picture. Ha! Probably the worst picture ever taken of me, and I love it. Ahhh the teenage years :lol:

  7. That ribbon tho...
  8. [​IMG]

    Sarai turned 1 month yesterday :) time is going by quick.
  9. I HAD to stay lady like. What better way than a pretty red bow?
  10. As adorable as teenage Moltey was, I rather prefer grown up me lol

  11. It's hideous :shock:
  12. I know right? all those years of being photographed as a side job tricked me :shock: \


    Ugh. Gross.
  13. Look creepy :eek:
  14. Thats my natural eye color. I take "creepy" as a compliment :lol: