Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. That is very true. ^ Oddly enough for all its pages and popularity I've never even seen it till last night. And that font still hurts the eyes. 
  2. I've never seen it before :eek: oh well, fu ck it
  3. I swear I'm hot....I'm just not photogenic.
  4. ^^right...
  5. [​IMG]
    First time uploading a pic, sorry if it doesn't work...
  6. BUMP ~~~~ start posting noobs

  7. @MrX

    No that's the second time!
  8. That would be your second ;) :) :geek:
  9. Okay this is me(like really I never do this type of stuff but I think I'm a little crazy because I got 3 hours of sleep, 6am bball practice, math test this morning, and a 3 hour lab coming up so cut me some slack :p )
  10. I give up, check getting a msg about the pic being too high/wide. Cropped it a lot and still doesn't work :? I suck with technology :lol:
  11. ^^thatsvwhat I was implying by first, it kept not working for me :p
  12. Destiny go to photobucket and then resize for width less than 600
  13. Destiny, view this guide to learn how to resize and post.
  14. do you need proactiv whipped cream?
  15. Pimples are a part of life no worries mate 