Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. A guy goes to the gold shop while he is holding in his fart so he asks the staff member show me that ring soon he holds the ring he farts at same time so he smiles and asks him how much is the ring for? The staff member smiles and says just by holding the ring you farted if I tell you the price you might **** in your pants lol
  2. Why does everyone think I'm a guy
  3. Poor jester lol
  4. @danya

    Use the [​IMG]
  5. Either delete it from the website you posted it from, edit your post by logging onto your account from a PC, or ask a moderator to delete it for you.
  6. Hello Dayna 
  7. Ok ty cheese, iEat 
  8. > /

    Flowers for u my queen 
  9. ️ why thank you they are gorgeous 
  10. How do you resize on the new photobucket?
  11. Don't use HTML on these forums. Doesn't work.

    Btw <a> self closes. :p
  12. How do you resize a picture?
  13. Omfg huge 
  14. *Woman posts pic*


    *Guy posts pic*

    Everyone: So how bout them Yankees?

    This thread makes me laugh :lol:
