Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. If Jester wasn't already getting married....
  2. Sorry for cropping out whoever was next to me in that picture~
  3. Wrestling... hmm... I dont watch sports haha
  4. It's the best sport ever
  5. But you don't ever see it on tv unless it's the Olympics or NCAA finals
  6. Im gay? I must be happy.
  7. Shut up E
  8. You know how it is
  9. And i thought jester was a guy :(
  10. Hey y'all I haven't posted a picture to forums since you could do it though photobucket, how do you do it now?
  11. Install photo-bucket on mobile and u will figure out the rest
  12. Oh it's still that? I thought it changed, ok then. ️
  13. Simply take the picture and go to postimg.org
    You can choose the pic from there and edit the size to under 600
  14. Photobucket won't work on mobile
  15. Yes it will i post all my pics from mobile

  16. Then you have problems