Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. I have a terrorist beard 

    I need to shave...
  2. I suppose ill post one...
  3. Darn it! It feels like I should post a picture of myself, but then I just feel lazy to take or find a nice one without the chinsss
  4. Chins are hot. Let me lick your chins.
  5. Welp, that was the most attractive thing I've heard all day.
  6. OH GAWD

  7. Heh nevar will I post a pic of myself on this thread!

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble Warry.

    But we know what you look like...

    We saw the pics if the things you did back in the 80's.
  9. Noooo!!!

    At least you didn't watch my porn video
  10. 80s shouldn't have that apostrophe. Not many people know that. It should only had the apostrophe if it's possessive. For example, the 1980's music was bomb as ****. :lol:
  11. We saw those too.

  12. Heh of course you would fap to penguin porn videos.
  13. I guess I'll post a pic, I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw it up but meh :lol:

    * there was a pic here but I took it down * :oops:
  14. I love this thread!
  15. [​IMG]

    Here ya go, again. It's your 'friendly' neighborhood Growlithe, and yes, I know I don't look my age.