This was after about a month in Iraq. This was after 4 months there. I'm in the turret manning the .50. Yes, we are all bundled up. It was cold as hell there. It even snowed! Don't make fun of my musket. This was after I left the 82nd and joined the reserves, so we didn't have any nice M-4s with M68s and collapsable buttstocks Plus I was new to the unit, so I didn't have all my tactical gear for my vest put on yet.
@sashi, I deleted it to download temple run, only to find out it updated to ios5 and I couldn't get it back :'-(
Thanks, Narnia. I did 5 active and 3 reserve. Arkane, you know the saddest part about that sign? You can't read it if you're 100 meters away.
I'm serious! 100 meters is about a football field. And those letters were about 6 inches high, tops! :?
We didn't really shoot people who came that close because we had to drive through traffic a lot in the city. Only a few times did we ever have to disable vehicles because they were approaching at a very high rate of speed toward a checkpoint we had set up. Other than that, I would usually just waive them off or fire a warning shot in the air to get them to back off. I'd usually let them get to within about 25 meters before doing anything.
Or you could shoot up fireworks that read "back the **** off or we bust a cap in your ass" in nice pretty colorful letters
Thats cool cheese. It's nice to see we have reasonable and respectable people in our military like you. Thank you for serving our country!
I've never been inside a tank. The pic I posted was of a Humvee. And we rotated since we were an infantry platoon. Sometimes we would roll dismounted (on foot) and sometimes I would be in the turret. lmao. I wish! :lol:
Pretty good idea. But if I was whoever was speeding towards you, I'd drive faster because I couldn't wait to thank you for a such a colorful display of fireworks!