Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Hey, Drgn and I just talked about how cold hearted women can be. Yay for heart ripping/stomping, game playing bitches they can be! WOOOOOOO!

  2. [​IMG]


  3. Does this mean I get to bump my pics as well?
  4. Clumsy looks the most normal out of us all
  5. whoa guys quit posting so many pictures its hard to follow the conversations
  6. Lucy is very pretty.
  7. When are cheese and slayer gonna marry?
  8. Ill post more pics later
  9. Aph beauty gets her a present.

  10. I am sobbing. Let me hug you.
  11. lmao jar of dirt :lol: :lol:
  12. Are you russian at all?
  13. @Titan

    If you've been here long enough, at least a year if not more, that was her thing. **** a cookie, I'll take the dirt.
  14. Nope. But my grandmother was from the area that used to be Germany and now is Poland.
  15. Lol if you've been here long enough you'd know to call me clumsy