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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Because it's full of so many assumptions about male/female relationships that simply aren't always true. You're basing a lot of that post on stereotypes.
  2. :lol: Drgn - I was already laughing at the possible inappropriate comments prior to me posting it.

    I'm mean... What? :shock: ?
  3. Exactly! I see that everywhere, A lot lot in KaW , IRL.
    Very few ladies that actually don't want to do that.
  4. Women definitely want to be seen as attractive, those that say they don't are fibbing, but that does not mean they intend to use it to get want they want.

    However men do tend to act favorable towards women they find attractive.

    It's a nice added bonus for being Hawt! :lol:

    But a down side is that others get jelly of you. :cry:

    I think MissMelons hottness have made a few on here wobbly. :lol:
  5. Yep. MM is definitely a beautiful woman.

    I'm sure she didn't share her pictures here in hopes of getting ahead in any way. After all, it's not like she needs to be volleyed. :lol:
  6. Volley me, I Hawwwt! :lol:
  7. I want Narnia.

    Anyways, most 'hot' people are quite ugly on the inside.
  8. Not "ugly on the inside."

    I think you mean to say that some attractive women are very insecure*.
  9. Insecure and ugly are very different.
  10. I do not. Most attractive women are mean. But people accept that, because hey, they're pretty!
  11. I don't think MOST are. And some that are like that tend to be insecure also. You don't always know why a person is the way they are. It's similar to a bully. Bullies aren't a bully just because they're jerks. There's more to it.
  12. Shadow, please open your eyes and speak from some experience before you throw out 15 stereotypes to form some messed up, not to mention baseless argument.

  13. I don't agree with 'most hot girls have **** personalities'. But it's true that guys will put up with a **** personality if the girl is hot :p
  14. Depends what they're in the relationship for lol
  15. A male has a larger body frame naturally formed so has more room to develope muscles and has a greater lung capacity due to a wider rib span however applys on average as a trained female will have greater muscle mass or physical advantage over the average male but head to head males are physically stronger. 
  16. Justice, you just contradicted yourself in that post.

    If a guy with a hot girlfriend will have to put up with a crabby personality, then that would infer that attractive girls have crabby personalities.
  17. 2000 years ago that might have actually mattered. Fact is, in the modern day, being intellectual surpassed brawn on so many levels.
  18. Just saying im not completely stereotyping and it is tradition for the man to prupose and woman to prupose on the leap year and when girls go out it is generally just to have a good time but the guys make the terms like snake and skank etc as slang for there looking for something other than drinking  but as everything there are exeptions to the rule 
  19. No, that wouldn't "infer" attractive girls have crappy personalities, it would "infer" that if a physically attractive girl had a crappy personality that a guy would still put up with it where as if a less physically attractive girl had a crappy personality, well then they have nothing? :lol: