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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Also nothing wrong with admitting you're an attention whore who uses her body to get men to do things for her, therefore adding fuel to the fire that women are weak.
  2. Thats what all women do and then marriage happens then man is weak 
  3. :lol: Jayde - That example only proves that men are weak and/or simple in that regard.

    Why tried harder if you don't have too? :roll:
  4. I wonder how jayde looks like.
  5. Cause you have KaW, Z?
  6. I have no idea what happened and I don't care. But from my experience, the majority of women use what they've got to get what they want at one point or another. Hell, if I were a woman I would too.
  7. I agree. There is nothing wrong with admitting it, provided that it's true.
  8. I prefer to just kick ass as is. No skin pictures required.

    Tomato, tomahto.
  10. Yes  but if a girl wants sex she just gotta walk in to a bar and talk a guy up if she wants a husband she just has to be with him for a few years/months if a guy wants sex he has to bank roll the  if he wants to get married je has to buy the  and pull out the champagne  the guy is stronger physically for the average person but mentally the guy is weaker as long as the woman has the temtation of beauty the guy will always crave it where as the woman will not. 
  11. Drgn let's people rub his bald head for luck. If you've got it, flaunt it. :lol:
  12. This is probably the most sexist post I've read in KaW in a good while.
  13. Its true enough 
  14. Ugh, the inappropriate comments going through my head at the moment... :oops:

    I'll settle for, that's right Barbie. You know what's up. ;)
  15. 