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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Close enough
  2. Lol was naming the dog ^^ not a correction
  3. Damn Nikki, you fine. :cool:
  4. My favorite kind of dog is the Golden Retriever. Upon all the dogs I've had, I would select the Golden Retriever. They are obedient and really do love you and care for you; and they're gorgeous.
  5. Aren't they also the type that are trained as guide dogs? Or are they Labradors.
  6. I guess they're pretty similar. I don't they they're the same though, Retrievers are more... predictable. I don't like that word, but that's what I think.
  7. Nikki you're very pretty.
  8. Aw, thanks guys. Making me all warm on the inside now.
  9. Oh... I have a German Shepherd and a Golden as well xP

    I love them both
  10. And gassy? 
  11. Was it a rescue or from a breeder?
  12. I have a Labradoodle. I think that's how you spell it.
  13. I want a staffy. They may not be the prettiest, but they're so awesome.

    They look brute but they're so sweet. They're so strong but gentle at the same time.
  14. Labradoodle x) lol
  15. Bassett hounds are my favorite. Such cute little slobbering fatties.
  16. Lab and poodle mix.
  17. Blue staffies. I have one that Is awesome. Everyone is scared of them though. There heads are huge so people assume they are pit bulls, but they are just sweet dogs. My one wouldn't hurt a fly.
  18. I thought she meant a Tyrannosaurus Rex mixed with a parrot. Thank you for clearing up my confusion charger.
  19. If you're talking about me. I'm male. Lol.