Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. SlamKitten...
    No offense, but you seem old...
  2. Who cares?

    I'll be in my mid thirties soon. Hopefully anyway.. :?

    I agree with IGCB btw..
  3. Never too old to play KaW!
  4. Yep Neva to old
  5. What's with all these disrespectful twits on this thread. I understand you're juveniles and most likely stupid, but my word. None of you have been taught respect, for your fellow man, or female. You guys keep posting like it doesn't affect anyone, sorry to break it to you but yet it does.

    You guys/gals need to reread what you're about to post. If you question it at all, don't post it...
  6. Amen igcb
  7. IGCB- smack some respect into them :lol:
  8. Lovely I think that is the first time we have sorta agreed
  9. Not going to say who but there was a pic on here of someone I recognized :)

  10. Yum hi IGCB, and mom
  11. @ Phoenix what has age got to do about this thread or kaw slamkitten is a beautiful women and comments like yours designed to offend.
  12. It's hard to stalk this thing ... I'll give it a try anyway.

  13. Hipster you do look princessy. :shock:

    Like...Jasmine? Is she the one I'm thinking of?
  14. Agreed Drgn. That's definitely a Princess Jasmine
  15. The one from aladin? I gotta agree there. Not very hipster though.
  16. Sorry to kill-joy but the Gay Marraige thread was locked because there were too many posts that were not suitable for a 9 game.
    Many posts here had to be deleted, there's many people harassing others and alot of off topic posts. Using precedent this thread should be locked Drgn.
  17. Oh and MissMelon is hot.
  18. I think am in love, ha ha