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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Shhh, I said claimed them, not invented.

    And my KaWry on, obviously. ;3
  2. Some of the KaW words are great. But KaWmmunity has been going around long before you started playing Deni. Sorry..

    There's also AlKaWhol which I always liked.
  3. I invented KaWing.
  4. Damn I type way too slow..
  5. No u didn't bob shush
  6. I also invented both of those Drgn ;)
  7. Lol no worries. I said CLAIMED. ;)
  8. How would you know Pac? Have you been aroundvas long as I have? =P
  9. Haha blade I haven't herd that one for something around the better part of a year or 2 I thought it faded into Kaw graveyard 
    Maybe we should create a forum thread called "KaW Dictionary" with all the Kaw lingo and definitions just a thought:)
  10. Oh no he didnt. *snaps fingers in Z formation*. He just called you out.

  11. Thing is Bman, Dillybar already beat you to it.
  12. Bman, check the Other KaW Discussion section of forums.. ;) Its a bit outdated though.
  13. Ohh lol, I was suggesting blade do it. But we could allways bump or sticky the pre existing one
  14. Hey, why can't you add a photo to your profile on a comp? It seems to have a spot for it but doesn't allow for one in user control for some wierd reason. :?
  15. Kawrap

    Playing kaw on the toilet
  16. Kawn dog. It just sounds like an old western, when I came back from Witchitaw (sp?).

  17. Can't believe no one has mentioned the all addicting, life sucking, money grubbing drug that is the KaWcaine!
  18. KaWivity. Creativity in KaW. The developers have no KaWivity.
  19. That depends on what the crow says, Drgn.
  20. Kawkawdoodledoo?
    You're so kawt
    Oh my kawd!
    Kawl story bro
    Hey i just met you and this is crazy, so heres my number so kawll me maybe.