Some of the KaW words are great. But KaWmmunity has been going around long before you started playing Deni. Sorry.. There's also AlKaWhol which I always liked.
Haha blade I haven't herd that one for something around the better part of a year or 2 I thought it faded into Kaw graveyard Maybe we should create a forum thread called "KaW Dictionary" with all the Kaw lingo and definitions just a thought
Hey, why can't you add a photo to your profile on a comp? It seems to have a spot for it but doesn't allow for one in user control for some wierd reason. :?
Can't believe no one has mentioned the all addicting, life sucking, money grubbing drug that is the KaWcaine!
Kawkawdoodledoo? You're so kawt Oh my kawd! Kawl story bro Hey i just met you and this is crazy, so heres my number so kawll me maybe.