Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. You want a pic of igcb? Heres my interpretation of how he looks from the information he's given us.


    Probably so off the mark, but he has long hair, is tall, and probably is heavy because of all of that muscle.
  2. @HD

    Not quite, I've still got chub. I like my fluffiness. But I am definitely no mart cart rider. Or penguin...
  3. The position of Sheamus has already been taken.
  4. Igcb I have 4th gen?
  5. Mart cart rider :lol:
  6. Well igcb, if you ever had to post a picture fast, you could always go through safari photobucket to get the image code on 4g ipod.
  7. [​IMG]

    To recap.

    Also I forgot IGCB= fluff.
  8. I've deleted after their latest update. I was clearing space and accidentally deleted PB. I also don't have access to iTunes.
  9. IGCB is fluffles!? :eek:
  10. Whose butt am I in theb
  11. Anyone notice the KaW forums clock is an hour behind? Someone forgot to change their clocks...
  12. It's fine for me.
  13. Im not going to answer that fleur, you need to go on a journey of self discovery.
  14. Now I am so confused
  15. Yes as I said earlier w4yk is womb raider. Get BACK on topic now?