Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. Ashes, Lenny Kravitz better show up as some kind of mention soon
  2. Can't be forgetting the White Stripes
  3. This is a lie. I have the same bra and it's definitely not from the 80's
  4. Yes you are right!

    That was my modern interpretation of the 80's..

    P.S: We know you still have that Madonna, Jean Paul Gaultier bra from the 80's.. For special osw occasions..

  5. Idk they had what 2 songs? I know everyone loves that one song and it sounds cool ....but if you want to be listed in a best of a decade list?....you better go big or stay home....good they were....best of decade...i say nay nay
  6. Evolution of Rock:
  7. Some bands we need to see for the 2000's list.

    Linkin Park
    Linkin Park
    Linkin Park
    (Need I say more?)

    Kid Rock (Don't judge me.)

    Green Day

    Nine Inch Nails


    Skillet (My tastes are my tastes and you cannot change me.)

    Nickelback (As much as I despise them, they did have a significant impact on rock.)

    Devour the Day. God damn you need Devour the Day.

    I would put Fall Out Boy, but they're kinda in their own league.

    3 Doors Down

    Three Days Grace

    and Daughtry.
  8. TOM
  9. Basically we would all love to have this as the soundtrack to kaw
  10. Support
  11. Zeth has my support also for Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor played all the instruments except drums himself for his debut album Pretty Hate Machine, an album released as I was a young adult I bought on cassette tape. Wore out that copy fast lets say. This album had as much influence in my life as did Pink Floyd's The Wall, many yrs ealier. Yes, I was in Florida's club scene and saw Nine Inch Nails perform a very small nightclub venue 1990. Top 3
    venues/concerts of my life. Number 1 is Pink Floyd 1994 Division Bell in Vancouver, BC. 2nd was Ziggy Marley 1988 in Seattle, WA.
    Trent is an impressive singer-songwriter/sound designer/record producer/film score producer (Natural Born Killers and Lost Highway)/creative business mngr(games- music score for Quake and Call of Duty: Black Ops ll.
    I have liked all his music collaborations with many musical artists, too many to list.
    Married Mariqueen Maandig (oh la la), need I say more of her lol
  12. Seems Ashes has fallen asleep on this one. Was going so well too. So many topics of ppl's opinions
  13. Bro. Where be ozzy!

    How can you forget ozzy Osborne 

    You just made Sharon's dog piss in the damn floor again.
  14. This is actually very good. Thanks, Ashes. I dont mind the camouflaged subtleties one bit. lol. The girls... ummm... yes!