COME AT ME BRO!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Come out of pin
  2. I unloaded on him but couldn't get the sword. It's tough.
  3. Is it ****** if I hit you.....us bein clannies n all?
  4. 

  5. This is how I feel like right now...
  6. I will be posting pics and gifs that captures the excitement of the momentous event...

    Please post how you feel!!!

    You will get a bar for posting 

    How most folks look in BH right now..
  7. I'm here to say that's what we actually are like he isn't making it up :shock:

    Have you seen how many I'm getting from this guy.

  8. Am i the only person not in bh? If only PE was still around 

  9. This is what Xtreme looks like right now

    ...oh.. And you all know how Val looks like ATM

    Aren't they cute?... So excited
  10. KotFE

    You all are having WAY too much fun in this event..

    Please tone it down...

  11. look at the glory of that air humping action

  12. This is an approximation of how BENNY and his alt are feeling right now..
  13. Support.
  14. You know.. I should wear a mask and a thing and nothing else when I kaw for this event..

    I think it'll make me feel... Tingly and superior
  15. Ashes. Hit me.

  16. What's going on in here???
  17. It just makes osw all that more exciting lol. So much incoming from opponents and randoms
  18. Those gifs
  19. Nothing to see here..

    Just a bunch of really really happy warriors celebrating..