Discussion in 'Wars' started by FIorence, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. I've never experienced a problem with wars tbh..... Run a bar on someone n start one - guaranteed you'll get a match.
  2. Haha for one, red's build is not for primals. So taking his build to compare with a war that require builds would be rather irrelevant though. Yep you need more sdt definitely. But yes primal all-star in the form of IW do seem like an idea.

    Not quite understand the Indy vs clan thing, mind elaborating?

    And actually, bracketed casting system isn't it what IW is now? More of like casting and getting classified with sizes similar to us?

    Lol. Wars, referring to EE wars.
  3. Indy vs clan wars:

    Clans can cast 15 people and sign up for wars as normal

    People without clans or mercs that can't find a war clan cast outside of clan

    Matchup system then matches clan v clan or if clans don't have a suitable match the system can match 15 Indy warriors vs a clan roster
  4. Wow that's a really good idea

    If you want to war with friends and people you trust, war with a clan.
    If you don't have a war clan or lots of war friends, indi.

    All indi clans should be matched together if possible, crossing only if odd on out.
  5. I stopped warring bc theres always an exploit. Fist sh. Then ps1 in primal rounds are always terrible matches n indy sucks lol
  6. Hey man, that sounds fun ;) Oh dear. Please raise it up to the devs! haha

    Ikr, there goes the need for changes which we anticipate but never happens lol
  7. I rem last time dev say doing some test war and I register anyone know what happen after that ?
  8. A bracketed casting system would allow you to cast in similar way to indy, but with your own clan. So you know what you are doing, how you are doing it and that everyone will be active, have a xtal and not spam cc.

  9. Yeah, like how Spilatch had mentioned. It seems interesting as well, and ensure a matchup. Not like sometimes no match. Man, I just wish such ideas will be taken into action.
  10. Ridiculous. Why would a roster randomly put together with most likely leaks stand a chance against a built roster?
  11. That would be the risk of casting for indi wars and it could encourage more clans to war
  12. @ Val

    As long as the Indy clan has a lead and a TK the builds themselves could literally be matched stat to stat

    So the only advantage could possibly be the war clan being built better tower-wise

    I'm seriously just looking for the most even matchup as possible . So neither side feels cheated and both felt they were given a chance to win. But how often is the winning side determined at matchup?

    After matchup I look at rosters and either say "this will be easy" or "what the hell!" Why does it have to be that way? Why are matchup stat differences so huge ?

    Now if devs came out and said participation is low so matchups suck ,then ok , force us to build rosters within certain cs ranges, incentivize wars to get more people in , that's what I would try, why won't they just try it?

    I'm beating a dead horse here but As has been a problem in the past with lb and sh, and now Indy war roster makeup, and also the stacked hansel clans, the matchup system lumps the entire roster together , it does not take into account the weight or value or individual stat category of each build

    Right now a war clan could have a total cs of say 200 mil and it could potentially match a clan with no stats in any category except spy defense . Not that that would ever happen because no one is built like that, however if anyone was , it would happen.

    I guess the point I'm rambling on about is that the underlying problem in all of this has been and will continue to be the matchup system itself

    More parameters are needed And to me they seem easy to implement but I'm no dev. Devs just come across as extremely stubborn and thick headed when it comes to this. The reason crap matchups happen is because devs allow them to happen. Match sh rosters to sh rosters match hansel rosters to hansel rosters . We blame the players for gaming the system and yes they are turds in the grand scheme of things also, but devs allow it to continue so why should they stop?

    Hire a damn kaw war admin , when he sees trending BS and obvious problems on wars make note of it and try to figure out how to make it better.

    Send me an email I'll do it as a second job . For free.

    We all know how season five will be if things aren't straightened out , again, and soon. Count me out if it isn't .

    Sorry for the wall of text , please don't quote this as reading posts that quote long posts is really annoying.

    Spils daily war rant - over. Good day to you.
  13. War 8 had one match, i get no match as often as get a match trying to do primal. Maybe its just because its off season but at this point ill be doing indi to earn points s5 because at least you actually get ro war that way . Seriously 1 war was all that could be matched in war 8 slot?
  14. yes
  15. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:





    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    On a real note, please do a better job of communicating with us. Keep us in the loop. It doesn't even have to be "The" loop. Just pick a loop and keep us in it.

  16. Indis are still fun although at times iv been paird with a clan almost full if hansels vs tanks/attk builds with high sdts dont know how that happens but its still fun.
  17. Yeah precisely. Unfortunately they're not giving a thought at all to wars, we have another EB event.

    Fun in lower tiers.. We could have more changes needed.

    So, devs. What happened to "bring your problems to forum. devs read the forum!" as said in emails? We have brought forward so many problems, were there even any changes made? You kept pushing out events after events.

    Well I'm not the only one annoyed at this. Others are as well. >> http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=173232

    Devs please spare a thought for us.