Discussion in 'Wars' started by FIorence, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Well said from a veteran 
  2. They should change how primal and round wars work. There is far too much stacking so they should change it to how indi wars signups work. Ok sure people wouldn't get to be with people they want to but at the end of the day the stacking is ruining round and primal wars which makes actually getting a matchup rare these days.
    The downside to this is the LB players wouldn't be able to abuse the system anymore and would moan to the devs.
  3. Yes stacking s a problem, but so are moles, inactives and bad builds in indy wars. The solution to stacking isn't to make wars a coin flip where the outcome of the war is decided by whether you get placed on the side that has fewer inactives, the right lb profile, etc.

    People want to war with those they know and trust and have the right builds because a) it's more fun that way, and b) you win and lose and grow as a team and hope to better your teams chance of winning.

    There are plenty of other war games out there, and if devs can't supply us with the quality of wars we want we are free to go elsewhere where the relevant features we want are successfully implemented.

    Bottom line: this is now a growth game, and has been for a long time. Even in osw ebs are now the norm and the model has moved from destroying the other side to stunting the other side's growth (the occasional monster strips aside).

    The advent of ee rekindled interest in wars, partly due to the clearly unsustainable explosion of rewards offered but also because gh/sh offered fairly small players the opportunity to succeed (and simultaneously ruined the war experience for medium builds, where "medium size" grew until it included everything bigger than sh to top lb).

    Primals have helped include more builds and players into war, and devs are to be commended for that. But it will become increasingly stacked over time and the growth aspect of the game is a constant distraction from war, especially with trillions to be spent on new lands and eventually uging buildings.

    Grow, war for fun. But if you want a really good war experience, you might want to look in the App Store.
  4. Idiot. Maybe you should focus on players as the culprits for screwing up the war system.
  5. @ Kezzer

    All u said really was no more clan wars if sign ups like IWars. That means all wars r Indy.
  6. Rather than focus on rewards (which are nice, but not obtainable for everybody) we need to focus on makings wars easier to prep for without significantly sacrificing other aspects of gameplay (for most that means EBs, and income potential)

    War crystals have always been one that the devs kinda said not gonna happen, so I'll skip over them.

    Another one is towers - realistically, without towers you're screwed. As wars continue, the amount of towers keeps increasing to the point of absurdity. Most people currently won't dedicate the lands to towers - just not worth it.

    What I think could help is excess building capacity - essentially a storage for an X amount of buildings that can be swapped with buildings on lands. While in storage these provide no stat nor plunder bonuses.

    So, I could keep 5 towers in storage until I need them for war, then swap back out for whatever.
    Or, for heavy war builds, I'd have a storage of buildings to increase my earnings when I'm not warring.

    It gives all kingdoms a little bit more versatility without OP'ing anybody. Plus, if you charge for these slots and swapping you could create a constant stream of gold being pulled out of the system as a bonus.

  7. Incentivising war does result in people demanding for more. But like mentioned, the main reason behind war shouldn't be for the incentives... Incentives are mainly there to push for higher participation. I can war for no incentives, but I bet most others won't. If they won't, that's where incentives come in. Humans, they only do what benefits them.

    Like I mentioned, moles/inactives/bad builds are problems to the person's own responsibility. That can't really be the main reason why EE in this game is a failure 'cos of that.

    You're right, about the advent of ee rekindled interest in wars partly due to the clearly unsustainable explosion of rewards offered, which is why at the end of the day, majority of the people we see war for the rewards. Off-seasons have no benefits, we're lucky to even have a few wars occurring.

    Growth game is totally what you've hit the nail on the head on, people just get bigger and bigger 'cos of eb. But main reason behind it? No one can really understand what they're growing so big for. You grow to get stripped in osw? Definitely not. You grow for EE? What you're suggesting now is that EE is almost at a terrible state, so if people are growing not for osw not for EE, what exactly are they growing for? I build/seal/growfor EE, but if EE is not changing, what exactly am I growing for?

    Food for thought. I still think changes have to be made. This game is called Kingdoms At War. If we have to resort to looking to App Store for wars, devs really have to do some changes about it.
  8. If winning ee dropped a seal or two, it would increase participation.
  9. Another event.....

    Why do dev spent so much time & effort doing so many events and never look at ee wars on a serious note.

    I don't fancy your events and I am getting more tired with each event.

    This thread is for dev to think of ideas to increase ee wars participation.
  10. One easy thing they could do is give a full regen AFTER wars like they do before wars

  11. Yeah. See, dropping a seal, that goes back to incentives to increase participation too. :)

    After war? So that it doesn't waste an hour to regen to make gold you mean? Yeah that could work. Again another incentive though haha. Guess devs should really come up with something new for us. See another event but no link to war haha
  12. How about changing the way the winner is determined?

    -Highest total KO
    -Highest Action (lame)

    Plunder is not always the best way .... (that solves the **** plunder issue). Total ko sounds good ... what you think?

  13. Hmmmm, where to even start. First off primal wars are awesome and if there was even an equal reward for doing them I think participation would improve drastically, where as now for any event you get a pathetic amount of the reward currency, i.e. 25 trophys and 25 favors, or before that 10 wisps, and even with no event going you spend max potions every attack or defense and at end of war get back average 2-4 b and the pots cost at least 3 x that. Not to mention the plunder you miss out on during the war, especially with hte rotwb promos running. Such events and promos instantly take the normally pathetic 1-3 wars down to 1 if lucky. I don't blame people for focusing on the events because if they don't then they fall behind those who do. Then there is the issue of only one primal a day usually so if the time is bad for you then you are out of luck, or you can go fight a top ten and lb sh in round wars.(which I have done multiple times just to do a war and it usually is no fun). Please just make it equally beneficial to do ee wars as it is to do ebs or stop running so many promos/events back to back.
  14. Well giving EB rewards from wars is not a war incentive most ppl care to war for. Pot drops to help replace used pots is more in line IMO. The promo's n events r freebies n ppl can choose how far n hard they wish to go. Agree off season is in the doldrums til the next season begins. War seasons leave large gaps of time. More war events could be added n in what form or style idk. Dangle a worthy carrot to entice ppl n keep us hungry. Also agree with Sylv that round wars waste a spot for Primal war clans.
  15. Nice thread OP️

    Here are a few small things.

    Lower the prices in the s2 Equipment for those who didn't get them. 1000 mith? Plus upgrades? Why not cut that in half so they can be realistically obtained in the off-season?

    Finally, and this has been said over and over again, give your asian players a decent war time. As it stands, there is no wars between 4pm and 12 am Japan time. I'd war more often if I didnt have to stay up to 2am to do it. ATA is making this into a North America exclusive game which is sad and frustrating. There seem to be a lot less asian players around and I think that's. Sure we're not feeling the love over here. Just make them all indi if you're so worried about participation. .
  16. Btw a shout out of respect to hlneo, a big lb account not scared to do primals.
  17. Must agree whole heartedly that Asia is due a war time slot. Can see no harm in it all.
  18. Haven't warred in quite awhile because it's simy not worth the time and hadn't been for a long while. Same problems persist and devs are just not interested in fixing it. Creation of leagues matching like strength kingdoms against one another would be one option. Not enough LB warring to make a LB league? As others have said, incentivize it. Don't hold your breath for a fix peeps. Hasn't and won't happen.

  19. So anyone care to explain why this happened? They matched but didn't fight. Sad to see that, I thought this would have been a pretty good match