Drakian War Year On Tribute

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mr-Vision, May 20, 2012.

  1. This isn't anything to be proud of. It only put spam in forums and annoyed most people. Not only that but you act like you crushed them. You had to seek help to "destroy" a noob clan. That's a fail in all it's own.
  2. iG, i'm proud that i beat someone almost 50x my stats. Well, i beat twenty people nearly 50x my stats.
  3. Look at your stats.

    I could build an alt and get it to your stats in a few hours at the most
  4. Yeah. Ty
  5. @VAL, so. Stats aren't everything.
  6. They arnt everything???? Ok hit me then.

    And your not some pro war vet, so don't think your mad lmao
  7. Lol, that isn't an insult. Its a compliment.
  8. Well, they aren't everything. If your a brain-eroded dumbass from 40-year old Virgin land then stats are the only thing you have. Its in the head that counts.
  9. Wow with that win loss stats you must've done loads to help the war!
  10. Please, stop stalking me on my wall. I have a stalker to do that.
  11. 1) I'm half that age.
    2) I have a little son.
    3) virgin land? That's a new one.
  12. How am I stalking.? I simply clicked on your name to find out your stats to see if I could hit you, then scrolled down a tiny bit to see your battle stats.
    Kid, learn the proper use of the word stalking.
  13. Please, just Gtfo this thread. Trolls belong under a Bridge, so i suggest you stick to perving on three billy goats gruff. Ty
  14. Well done. 'perving' the 9 year old insult! Oh yeah, it's a 9 game. Should make it 16 , so theres none of these idiots who reckon their sick with there **** insults.

    Teacher told your that story in your story time?
  15. Yes she did

    She also told me of a Wicked Witch called V A L who wouldn't GTFO my thread... I've asked you nicely, don't make me spell it out... Please leave
  16. Why should I leave, I've done nothing wrong.
    What was the point in this thread? To brag about how you got friends to take down a noob clan?
  17. One more thing. You told me to get off your thread for no reason.

    Automatically means I win