The Phil n Jayde ChatShow

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Malestone7469, Feb 1, 2013.

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  1. Don't think she would do a show with him in RL. The spa is totally believable though..
  2. Milk n Cuc.umber. Lol.
    Stupid Devs Filters
  3. I rather agree kitty kat....  
    Lucky jayde  
  4. I'm not even gonna ask 
    I mean firstly you just mushed 8 letters in to three with the filter 
  5. Well that was an interesting skim, when did Jayde start wanting to work with Phil?

    Also why is she in such lewd locals or clothing?
  6. I haven't had so much fun since the Cloverly n Doomie thread in FabFiction in 2010.
    That was such soft porn that it have CowLegend999, SilverMooBoy, Hansel, Doomie, n Cloverly a truly uncomfortable time. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  7. *Had a lot of fun reading this thread*
  8. Marked for possible inclusion in HTSS Humor Section
  9. Back in the studio....
    *Jayde: As we all know, now APoC is fighting a two fronted war. FAITH n ZAFT are jointly punching holes in APoC.

    100" LG Screen shows a pincer move by ZAFT Sub clans on the right side. And FAITH n Sub clans on the left side. ZAFT main in the centre led by Laoda in his Golden Abrahms Main Battle Tank. Punching holes into Chongo's Monster Garage.
    We see Chongo in his Hawaiian Shirt n shorts smoking a Cuban Stoogie. Barking out commands via Silver Speaker/Microphone (ala Charlie's Angels) to his APoC war commanders.

    *Phil: Due to the two parties ZAFT n FAITH smashing APoC. Sales of ButtHurt cream has gone up. The Company (stock ticker: BHC) stocks have started rising. CEO of the company LolWut has a few words to say..,.

    Camera shifts to LolWut....
    *LolWut; The recent war has been profitable for our company. Our famous brand of creams ButtHurt has always been a top seller among noobs. But during OSWs, the sales of this special cream skyrockets. We would like to thank all out customers for making the months preceding Chinese New Year a happy one.
    Thank you. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

    Our main reporter Eagle is found at the front of the shop interviewing OSW Vets n Noobs alike.

    *Eagle: Hello Mr....
    *Mr....: No Comments
    *Eagle: As you see, the line of customers snake around 10 blocks. As you can see, Luna (ex-ZAFT Destiny member has just exited the shop.

    Eagle flies n stops in front of Luna.

    *Eagle: Luna, Hi! Are you the 1st in queue?

    Luna hides her face by putting on a McDonalds paper bag.
    *Luna: Errr Hi Phil ^Luna turns beet red in shame.
    *Luna: No Phil, I wasn't.
    *Phil: How was the queue, girl?
    *Luna: Line was pretty long. Bcos we anticipated this. I came earlier.

    Camera follows the snaking long line.
  10. I am completely creeped out.

    However, if you have the hosts talk about HoG and their "guerilla war tactics" (running from clan and changing to barcode names, putting an even bigger target on their backs as they are SO easy to find)...I'd forgive.
  11. To be honest I'd class faith as a ZAFT clan.. Suspect was ZD owner before, and LP was owner of ZAFT faith before split, it's not like a complete stranger clan is helping ZAFT
  12. I'll add those in. :)
  13. How'd it go from Eagle interviewing Luna to Phil?
  14. Was just about to ask that boba :|
  15. On dang. Misprint.

    ^*Eagle: How's it going girl?
  16. I'll change the Phil(s) to Eagle later. Lol
  17. Upset that hes pinned
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