Writers Duel Tournament!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Renamed23817 (01), Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Hehehe land of the old people 
  2. *Old RICH people :D

  3. I said central time. It's 7:41 right now
  4. We know hidden  CST
  5. Arrgh! What is CST!
  6. All judges report!
  7. Here :) again with my reading glasses and a cup of fresh herbal infusion. I place my glasses on my nose and hold the cup with both of my hands, smelling the freshness of the mint. Cup is bit burning on my hands but the amazing smell of it will make up for it.

    It is my way of saying i cannot wait :)
  8. @Hidden I don't mind being a judge if u can't find one! 
  9. Ok cheese isn't showing so can anyone else do this?
  10. *yawn* it's 2am but I'm here
  11. Judges! Are you here?
  12. i'm having my herbal infusion and am ready :)