Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. A forum troll with a tiny ps acct calling me a nobody..ouch. I don't think I'll ever recover
  2. V was right, u forum blaster u - I didn't bother reporting, was all him. But u can't deny that ur attempt at hurting my feeling turned into just another boost to my ego. I haven't laughed this hard since old iG posted their first and last surrender request in forums
  3. Being able to catfish with very little effort is one of the best parts of KaW...so I'm relieved
  4. Thats a straight up lie. You actually reported me multiple times. But, feel free to keep the butthurt control rolled onto V.

    My forum blasting ruined your whole anti-KOTFE campaign. After that thread, you stopped lambasting forums with your propaganda.

    My ploy worked well, except for the loss of my boy band status.

    Me and the guys from Backstreet Boys attend meetings.
  5. If thou visits a clan for an EB, thou shall offer to put out ads in return for the seat.
  6. O snap, lil willy is more butthurt than I ever suspected lol

    I lie? How are u so certain? Cos unless devs share private communication u can't possibly be certain. Now tell me, do they?or sthu

    Anti kotfe campaignim kinda flattered u call my trolling as such. I thought ur forum came out just in time to distract people from another (embarrassing) thread that had to be locked (for no legit reason due to that embarrassment) - *cough* 'couple of few weeks ago' thread *cough* - made by ur side with nothing but propagandistic purpose..and funny grammar. I wasn't the one running around making threads, but I do enjoy trolling other's propaganda sometimes. So funny to see u project ur faults on little ole meh. Let's be real though, only thing ur 'forum blasting' ruined was ur VK which lead to u going inactive in osw..againahhh good times!
  7. I remember when I used to use "you're butthurt or you're mad" as a way to cancel out or dismantle someone elses argument towards me or another individual.

    I realise now it was because I was inexperienced with discussions and unsure how forums worked.

    Maybe I shoulda just gone back to tapping that atk button and shut my damn mouth because it's super annoying, omg.

    You're butthert, Kasama.

    Edit:So inexperienced I call a thread, a forum.

  8. Awe the troll strikes again! I never claimed to be experienced in 'foruming' - that's Chubby's rodeo. I don't find it to be of any sort of achievement (unless u are at Chubby's level, as much as I hate to admit it..) and frankly have no time between farming and rl to improve in that department. Not the skill I care to acquire, u know? However I succeed at making forums pro's if u will, butthurt (again..oh no I didn't). I mean look at lil willy fuming, even throwing devs under the bus, and u joining to support poor fellaNub's like u actually made those pretty sufficient terms of butthurt and nub very loose by throwing them at anyone who hurt ur feelings. They still apply, if used properly. And what else is willy if not butthurtand u are nothing but a nub behind ur forum 'pro' persona. It's ok though, there's purpose for everyone :)
  9. In Soviet Russia, running from OSW must be something you do to keep warm, eh comrade?

  10. I won't know..but u can tell us all about it. Maybe after u tell us how are u so certain that I lied?which I'm sure u won't cos u are just full of it, as usual. Keep posting ur irrelevant memes, my job here is done
  11. I would, but snitches get stitches, ta?

  12. Ok so u confirm that devs share private content hmmm..this is alarming, not to mention unethical and maybe even unlawfulNow let's see if ur desperation makes u reveal more? Here's what I'm thinking. They either told u whatever u wanted to hear, such as yes bad Blazey reported u. Which doesn't make it truth..cos even considering devs' claims of not sharing private content being a lie - thanks to u we know that now - u could've been lied to as well for all we know, just to get rid of ur whiney ass, which in turn doesn't make it any less unethical, if not worse.. Or they actually showed u proof in case ur whining was persistent? Maybe u can share some proof with us?
  13. You should email them again.
  14. So u going with them bsing u just to get rid of ur whiney ass..noted

  15. Can you please give me the less methed out translation of this "sentence"?

    Maybe you need a time out.
  16. Nah I can't/don't want to/don't care to etc :)
  17. "How'd you find out I dobbed on you?"

    "Oh, it must've been the other party I spoke to"

    "Those snitches"

  18. Considering I actually didn't 'dob', I wouldn't be the one speaking about it to any party, so there's only one conclusion as to why lil willy would think otherwise. I guess logic isn't required for a 'forum vet/pro'

    Only instance when this whole reporting thing was discussed was in my pm with V - how I know he's the one who reported willy's fail at forum blasting. Gawd, I wish they didn't kill that thread all together..while op itself wasn't anything worth remembering (I don't lol), the comments there were highly amusing
  19. :lol:

    Your reputation precedes you, comrade! Hey, did anyone else see that bait? Blazey, babe, why don't you make a "naa-naa, naa-naa-naa" face, maybe toss out some of that Soviet mind trick technique.

    So, you discussed with V in PM about reporting me to ATA for calling you bad names in a public forum?