AwesomeSauce Guides Inc.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. So I appreciate threads. I would love it if you had an updated version of both blumpy's espionage guide either written by him or if you guys did one as well as one on explode attack builds. Both useful guides that should already be included here but with tier 3 updates.
  2. Sorry meant tier 4. Yes I'm obviously a noob.
  3. I'm jc: has any1 read my "Easy Guide" guide?
  4. I've been playing about 4 weeks or so and these guides have been a tremendous help. A HUGE THANKS to all!!!
  5. Phew no more fighting
  6. GO ASG
  7. Wow. I don't remember this thread
  8. Maybe because it's too good.
  9. If I were to say bump would I have gone to far?
  10. for my 17th land should i get a level 3 guild or a level 2 sub?
  11. Uh. Bump.