AwesomeSauce Guides Inc.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. (lol jk I know I can't ask hehe). 
  2. Raeki stop scaring me 
  3. I'm 6 months of forums today !!!!!!!!
  4. New guide request

    volley guidewith updated values
  5. Ill do that - but ill probably add it onto my big fat one xD

    reallt only informationneeded is:
    uou make 1.6%
    drop is 60%
    new value of transfer; about 150 rounds im guesing
  6. I don't know what to make a guide for :( it seems like they've all been made
  7. Toast me and benny were talking about that yesterday we r gonna wait for tier 4 and try to be first
  8. Lol I won't be able to so anything with t4 my stats aren't that high and I'm still on my rest phase
  9. I want a new spy building
  10. Full Warring Guide Coming Soon ;)
  11. can't wait 4 full war guide :;): 
  12. Full warring guides out. If ya haven't noticed yet :p
  13. Unfortunately... Most new players will choose to create a minimum of 10 of their own threads before reading others
  14. Perhaps a Forum Guide?
  15. Yeah... That's the life of a new player though isn't it?
  16. I actually just started on one the other day