_Personal EB and War History_

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GermanShepard, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. I will ask a mod to send the idea to the developers. Otherwise the developers would not read the idea.
  2. Maxwellis supports this idea

  4. Fuuuuuuuuudge
  5. Still support train
  6. It's also a good opportunity to waste some time while waiting for troops.
  7. Full support!
  8. Need like 20 pages for developer to see
  9. full support [\color]
  10.  happens to me sometimes
  11. Support but i think no one else should see your history but the clan owner and it would get rid of spys during war see where the guy that just applyd came from
  12. You can turn the history on or off.
  13. Support, i'd like it :)
  14. The last time I might comment on this thread. Do not see it as a bump.

    All of you please copy and paste the idea and send it to the developers
