Support, don't see how it can be exploited as long as there is an option to turn it off during, say an osw or sw.
I personally think that this raises to many issues inregards to general the general public viewing of everyones EB history/hits/gold made/items received...It raises the potential for farmers to see how much gold people are making. Thus making their job easier However. I do believe that each user should receive a monthly statistical report breaking down the months EB's. How many hits per EB an plunder/bonuses received for each said EB. Maybe a graph that over lays the month before to show if your gaining or loosing in plunder/hits/activity. Checking for potential Allies under a EB history list serves no purpose. As all you do is follow a potential Ally an watch their growth via their stats. Thus allowing you to decide wether to invest in them. Or you chat to them an ask " Are you a active player " Good Thread Sheppy
Especially when you have 50-100 allies, it would be difficult to check their activity. By writing active, on their wall, you neednto wait for a day or two for response. The personal history would solve that problem and you can check their activity straight away.