Discussion in 'Strategy' started by unknownperson, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. @carn. I wasn't mocking you! Lol. Your cool. I'm off this thread. It's a train wreck!

    Happy KaWing. ;-)
  2. *you're

    "I'm feeling like a women" yea paranoid me . Sorry moose all is good. Happy Kawing peeps.
  3. Well 1 of us clearly failed...
  4. How do u make it say (player's name) wrote: ( quotation)?
  5. Code:

    For it to autogenerate the quotation, you need to be on the computer. There's an option to "quote (and reply)" to a specific post.
  6. So if I understand moose correctly, I can get people I don't like banned for farming?? ohhh I am really going to have fun with this one
  7. I don't think the op knows who iG are.
  8. But when I complained on swabias wall........ Oh wait
  9. @front

    Farming isn't against ToU lol
  10. Hahahaha moose's first post then the op's reply
  11. @midget

    so moose was lying!! I don't believe it 
  12. **** here I believed everything moose ever said. 