Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIl-KingKryss-lIl, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. :cool: Noobaphile hehe younger then 90 days my type of farm 
  2. No I'm not I said that because players now usually who are new like you are only used to EBs hitting monsters not hitting back. So why would you know that about towers that they are useless, company just explained to you the capabilities of the Tower build in war and you now know that's why before you ******* talk make sure you know.
  3. @TheReturnOfRemembrance That's great, do you want a sticker or perhaps a metal?/end sarcasm
  4. Lol I have changed my build and have been playing for a year... And reset and been hacked so don't try me and have another account Sooo...
  5. I'm not trying you Company, I'm trying ReturnOfRemembrance.
  6. Woah Woah we got a badass over here
  7. Haha, call me whatever you like ReturnOfRemembrance, but I see myself as someone who questions others.
  8. actually, MNB, towers do help during war. like stated before, it's all about how you play the game. if you're an eb whore, a guild hansel is the way to go. if you plan on warring a lot, i suggest putting up some towers.
  9. Do the turtle build
  10. ^Your mom showed me her turtle build o__o

    I had to say it.